Bunburry - A Dangerous Lesson
A Cosy Mystery SeriesTeil 17 der Reihe "Countryside Mysteries: A Cosy Shorts Series"
There is shock in the local high school when Alison Shaw, a young, dynamic chemistry teacher, goes into a coma after being struck by a falling smart board. But is it an unfortunate accident or something more sinister? When the headteacher asks amateur sleuth Alfie McAlister to investigate, Alfie enlists the help of Liz and Marge, his fellow members of the Bunburry Triangle. And Noah, a pupil at the school and an aspiring detective, is also determined to help the investigation. As they delve deeper, they encounter an alarming number of possible suspects. Will they uncover the truth behind the dangerous events unfolding at the school?
3,99 €
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
eBook (epub)
123 Seiten
Helena Marchmont
Helena Marchmont ist das Pseudonym von Olga Wojtas. Die schottische Schriftstellerin hat 2015 den Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award gewonnen und bereits über 30 Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Gerade ist auf Englisch ihr erster Roman Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Golden Samovar erschienen.

© Antonia Reeve
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Bunburry - A Dangerous Lesson
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