Bunburry - Sheep Secrets
A Cosy Mystery SeriesTeil 8 der Reihe "Countryside Mysteries: A Cosy Shorts Series"
Miss Marple meets Oscar Wilde in this new series of cosy mysteries set in the picturesque Cotswolds village of Bunburry.
In "Sheep Secrets", the picturesque village of Bunburry is basking in midsummer sunshine when a shepherd finds a body in a nearby quarry. The deceased was taking part in an outdoor survival training course run by Neil Walker, friend of Constable Emma Hollis. The death seems a tragic accident, but Emma insists on amateur sleuth Alfie McAlister joining the course to save Neil's good name. But are the other participants as innocent as they seem? Add an undercover reporter and a mysterious druid to the mix, and Alfie's investigation becomes more complex than he imagined...
Helena Marchmont is a pseudonym of Olga Wojtas, who was born and brought up in Edinburgh. She was encouraged to write by an inspirational English teacher, Iona M. Cameron. Olga won a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award in 2015 and recently published her second book in the Miss Blaine mystery series.
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
eBook (epub)
120 Seiten
Helena Marchmont
Helena Marchmont ist das Pseudonym von Olga Wojtas. Die schottische Schriftstellerin hat 2015 den Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award gewonnen und bereits über 30 Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht. Gerade ist auf Englisch ihr erster Roman Miss Blaine's Prefect and the Golden Samovar erschienen.

© Antonia Reeve
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Bunburry - Sheep Secrets
3,99 €
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