Cotton FBI - Episode 09
Übersetzt von
Sharmila Cohen
Deadly GamesTeil 9 der Reihe "Cotton FBI: NYC Crime Series"
Digital Series. Episode 9:
The star gamer from Korea, Park Dae-Young, arrived in New York to participate in an E-sports competition. The prize money is $600,000. A few hours after his arrival he is dead; and this despite having had body guards present.
Cotton and Decker from the G-Team take over the case. There are certain indications that team members, who came with Park, may be involved in his death. It is suspected that they did so out of jealousy, and that Park’s clan had participated in tourneys outside the regular "Counterstrike” gaming schedule, in which huge sums of money were involved.
It seems evident that not only Park himself, but also the team members and the management too, had been involved in a betting scam. Something like this goes well only so long as all the members cooperate.
A new legend is born! COTTON FBI is a remake of a world famous cult series with more than one billion copies sold and appears bi-weekly with a self-contained story in each e-book episode.
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eBook (epub)
100 Seiten
Alfred Bekker
Alfred Bekker schreibt Krimis, Fantasy, Science Fiction, historische Romane sowie Kinder- und Jugendbücher. Er war Mitautor von Spannungsserien wie Jerry Cotton, Kommissar X und Ren Dhark. Außerdem schreibt er Kriminalromane, in denen oft skurrile Typen im Mittelpunkt stehen.

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Cotton FBI - Episode 09
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