Cotton FBI - Episode 10
Project OmegaTeil 10 der Reihe "Cotton FBI: NYC Crime Series"
Digital Series. Episode 10:
Once a year, the president holds a banquet for members of the military, police forces, and the Secret Service who have rendered outstanding service to the nation. This year, Special Agents Jeremiah Cotton and Philippa Decker have been invited for the first time.
Cotton feels out of place at the party among all the "big shots.” But then a slightly older but still quite attractive woman approaches him.
Joan Fallon is being blackmailed by a stranger. Not for money, but for the state secrets guarded by her husband - the White House Chief of Staff. Joan has a dark past that not even her husband knows: In her youth, she acted in adult films. And it seems that the videotapes weren’t all destroyed.
Cotton discusses the problem with Mr. High, the head of the G-Team. A White House scandal and national security are at stake. So Cotton and his attractive partner Philippa start an undercover investigation into New York’s porn scene ...
A new legend is born! COTTON FBI is a remake of a world famous cult series with more than one billion copies sold and appears bi-weekly with a self-contained story in each e-book episode.
1,99 €
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
Bastei Lübbe
eBook (epub)
130 Seiten
Peter Mennigen
Peter Mennigen wurde 1952 in Bonn geboren. Sein Kunststudium absolvierte er in Köln. Nach Abschluss seines Studiums ist er seit 1978 als Autor tätig. Aus seiner Feder stammen Geschichten zu ALF, Lucky Luke, Isnogud, Prinz Eisenherz, Graf Duckula, Sunny Sam, Bettlejuice, Fix und Foxi u. v. a., von denen einige die vorderen Plätze der deutschen Comic-Bestsellerlisten eroberten. Auch verdanken ihm viele Filmstoffe (Und Tschüss, Abgeschminkt, Pretender, Felix, ein Freund fürs Leben, Strictly Ballroom u. v. m.) ihren Einzug in die Literatur. Parallel dazu schreibt Peter Mennigen Romane, Inhalte für Internet-Programme, CD-ROMs, Hörspiele und TV-Drehbücher. Unter anderem sorgt er dafür, dass der kultverdächtige Käptn Blaubär weiterhin spannende Abenteuer erlebt.

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Cotton FBI - Episode 10
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