Survivor - Episode 1
Übersetzt vonPeter Millar
BlackoutScience Fiction ThrillerTeil 1 der Reihe "Survivor: A Science Fiction Series"
SURVIVOR: A digital serial novel in 12 episodes. Episode 1.
The year is 2012. In CERN, the huge research facility near Geneva, Switzerland, a crucial experiment is reaching its final stage. Its objective: to send a manned space probe to a distant planet, in order to find a cure for Earth's dwindling mineral resources. But then, something unforeseen happens. Lost in an unknown place, the crew of the SURVIVOR is revived from a deep-freeze sleep. Three of its members have no recollection of how they've got on board. The fourth, Commander Ryan Nash, remembers it all - but can he trust his memories? They soon realize that the power of their ship is exhausted, the air is growing stale. And that someone is trying to breach the ship's hull from the outside ...
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
Bastei Lübbe
eBook (epub)
Science Fiction Romane
46 Seiten
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson, geboren 1965, war nach Ausbildung als Verlagskaufmann und Germanistik-Studium als Lektor für Spannungsromane, zuletzt als stellvertretender Cheflektor, tätig. Er lebt heute als freiberuflicher Lektor und Autor mit seiner Familie in der Nähe von Bonn.

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Survivor - Episode 1
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