Survivor - Episode 2
Übersetzt vonPeter Millar
The FactoryScience Fiction ThrillerTeil 2 der Reihe "Survivor: A Science Fiction Series"
SURVIVOR: A digital serial novel in 12 episodes. Episode 2.
Ryan Nash and the crew of the space ship SURVIVOR have set out to explore a distant planet. Instead they find themselves in a huge subterranean industrial complex. A factory where Chinese workers are ruled by "Overseers", a caste of machine-men who were human once. Only one crew member understands their common language: Ai Rogers, a young woman half English and half Chinese. After the handover of Hong Kong to China she grew up in a communist re-education camp. There she developed strange abilities. Ai can turn herself invisible. She is able to move things and even kill with a thought. When Ai overhears the machine men she realizes that they are trying to lure the crew into a trap. She must find a way to warn the others. But Ai has not spoken a single word since she was ten.
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
Bastei Lübbe
eBook (epub)
Science Fiction Romane
56 Seiten
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson, geboren 1965, war nach Ausbildung als Verlagskaufmann und Germanistik-Studium als Lektor für Spannungsromane, zuletzt als stellvertretender Cheflektor, tätig. Er lebt heute als freiberuflicher Lektor und Autor mit seiner Familie in der Nähe von Bonn.

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Survivor - Episode 2
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