Survivor - Episode 7
Übersetzt vonPeter Millar
UnderwaterScience Fiction ThrillerTeil 7 der Reihe "Survivor: A Science Fiction Series"
SURVIVOR: A digital serial novel in 12 episodes. Episode 7.
The mysterious Russian called Nubroski explains to Commander Ryan Nash that a Chinese space ship has followed in the wake of the SURVIVOR but cannot get back again. It lies deeply submerged under tons of water but still has a fully charged energy module. Ryan and his friend, Jabo, force Nubroski to show them the way to his ship. For Ryan is capable of breathing under water. This special gift helped him when he first met the Navy Seals and impressed them with his endurance. It also enabled him to save a young woman from drowning. Both incidents changed his life for the better. Nash dives down for the sunken capsule to reclaim its energy cell. But in the deep the defenders of the ship are waiting.
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Lieferungszeitraum: Sofort verfügbar
Bastei Lübbe
eBook (epub)
Science Fiction Romane
49 Seiten
Peter Anderson
Peter Anderson, geboren 1965, war nach Ausbildung als Verlagskaufmann und Germanistik-Studium als Lektor für Spannungsromane, zuletzt als stellvertretender Cheflektor, tätig. Er lebt heute als freiberuflicher Lektor und Autor mit seiner Familie in der Nähe von Bonn.

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Survivor - Episode 7
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